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Daniel’s Piano Tuning LLC

   Professional Membership Status
Name: Daniel’s Piano Tuning LLC
Photo - Daniel’s Piano Tuning LLC
Location: Hemet
United States 92545
Contact: Call me or shoot me a text at
Or visit me at danielspianotuning.com

Send Daniel’s Piano Tuning LLC a message
Additional Info: Hello!
If you are looking to bring the life back into your piano, you have come to the right place
I am a musician composer pianist and violinist who’s love and passion for music and perfectionistic take on intonation (that’s a fancy word for tuning), has lead me to find a love for taking care of peoples instruments.
I have every qualification that is needed and apprenticed with some of the best.
So if you’re ready to take the sound of your piano to the next level, please contact me to schedule a quote!
Fees: $ 175.00 Dollars Per Hour
-Repairs are on a case per case basis and free quotes are always given
-tuning is $175
-correcting a pitch of a piano from a half step costs the price of 2 tunings so make sure to keep your piano tuned once per year!
Specialisms: Piano Tuning, Piano Repairs
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