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Winnipeg Piano Service

Name: Winnipeg Piano Service
Photo - Winnipeg Piano Service
Location: Winnipeg
Contact: Website: winnipegpianoservice.com
Email: winnipegpianoservice@gmail.com
Phone: 204-619-0727

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Additional Info: Piano tuning, piano repair and piano performing services by Trisha Booy in Winnipeg, East St. Paul, the RM of Springfield, and other surrounding communities.

Trisha completed the aural piano tuning program through International Piano Technicians School and strives for excellence within the art of piano tuning and the craft of servicing & repairing pianos.

Trisha has a B. Mus. and a M. Mus. in Piano Performance. She has won several music awards and piano competitions, and has played piano at a professional level for 20 years, including with the WSO.

Trisha has always found great joy in playing the piano, and is keen to help others gain enjoyment from their own pianos.
Fees: $90 Piano Tuning Fee
$60/hr Piano Repair Fee
Specialisms: Piano Tuning, Piano Repairs
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